New Book! Knock-Offs: Totally Unauthorized Action Figures by PlaidStallions Press

Knock-Off Book

Knock-Offs Book

Hey folks, if you didn’t catch my Livestream this Saturday,  I’m doing my follow-up to Rack Toys with a book I’ve titled Knock-Offs: Totally Unauthorized Action Figures.  This is a piece I’ve been working on since 2012 but stuff got in the way and I had to put it on hold. I’m glad I did because it just made the whole thing better. 

Knock-Offs is a celebration of the dimestore bootleg figure, the copyright-infringing silliness meant to fool our grandpeople. The subjects range from toys of the 1960’s to the 2000s and include every popular genre you can think of.

Knock-Offs Book

Knock-Offs Book

Knock-Offs Book- Nightmare Feddy

Knock-Offs Book- Nightmare Feddy

Chapters will include Superheroes, Science Fiction, Horror, TV/Movies and you’d better believe 80s toys. So many discount Darth Vaders and Skid Row Skeletors…

Knock-Offs Book- Robocops

Knock-Offs Book- Robocops

Knock-Offs will also celebrate the amazing bootleg toy art scene and I have to say, the work these folks create is pretty darn infectious.

Bootleg toy artist Knock-Offs Book

Bootleg toy artist Knock-Offs Book

Bootleg toy artist Knock-Offs Book

Bootleg toy artist Knock-Offs Book

The book is expected to launch in December, to keep updated, join our mailing list here:



Our book Rack Toys, Cheap, Crazed Playthings is now available again! Order through our Affiliate Link

Order Rack Toys 2.0 Here through out Affiliate Link

Toy-Ventures Magazine is our newest creation, an old-school print magazine about vintage toys! Professionally laid out and written, each issue is brimming with obscure and rare toys from companies such as Mego, Kenner, Remco, AHI, and much more. Monsters, Superheroes, Adventurers, Knock Offs, Apes, and so much more, it’s in Toy-Ventures.

Toy-Ventures Issue 5 is available now:
Plaid Stallions Store:
Amazon Affilitate Link:

Toy-Ventures Issue 5


Pod Stallions is one of the most fun groups on Facebook. Toys, Comics, Movies, TV, it’s all up for grabs and remember, you keep the glass!

Mego Knock Off Headquarters– The leading group discussing 70s Dime store knock-offs of Mego action figures, we talk vintage toys and not others. We know the difference between Astro Apes and Action Apeman! It’s a really fun group where we talk about Lincoln International, AHI, Tomland, Bogi, Demo Man, Mortoy, and other generic greats.