Hey everyone, I’m excited to announce that I’ve finally gotten the swing of this WordPress thing, thanks to some very good friends’ advice (thank you, Robyn and Aaron).
So, I’m able to bring the Action Figure Archive and information into a more browser-friendly format and obviously add things to them from my recent Toy-Ventures publications. This is what I love to do and I’m super excited to get back to work. Look for galleries on some of my favourite toy lines of the 70s-80s and tons from my Knock-Off Collection.
So, to kick things off, may I present the new Matchbox Fighting Furies Archive and Gallery. I honestly think this toy line is a work of art and one that needs to be celebrated, so it excited me to launch the new Archive with this one.
Look for a new update every week.
Issue 4 of Toy-Ventures magazine ships this June
Pod Stallions is one of the most fun groups on Facebook.
Mego Knock Off Headquarters– The leading group discussing 70s dimestore goodness, we talk vintage toys, not others!