Distinctive Dummies does a Paul Naschy El Hombre Lobo


Talk about happy surprises, Distinctive Dummies drops this bomb on me one week before Christmas. Being a lover of all things Naschy, I ordered one before I put on pants that morning.

Distinctive Dummies are proud to announce its first two releases for 2015.
First up we have Paul Naschy, the legendary Spanish actor and who has played a Werewolf more times than anyone. I am happy give you Waldemar Daninsky from Werewolf vs Vampire woman, AKA Werewolf Shadow. This figure is also the debut sculpt for DD by Ron Gearing. Ron is a great talent and believe me, I have seen what else he has in store and all I can say is awesome! Also on this we have a new artist designing the cards, Doc Boucher, whose individual style really sets up the figure inside. Full details at

Distinctive Dummies Website