Toy Talk Show: Tim Baron (

Episode 3 of Toy Talk Show is here, and this time around, we’re chatting with the artist and toy designer Tim Baron.

We talk about influential toy packaging, Tim’s work with Super 7 and Tony Hawk, Star Wars and the joys of skateboarding after 40. It’s a great conversation!

Find Tim Baron at

#mego #megoMuseum #racktoys

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Topics Discussed: MegoMuseum, Vintage Mego, Tim Baron, Micronauts, Manglors, Ken Kelly, Astro Zombies, skate boarding, Tony Hawk, Captain Action, Dr Evil, Toy-Ventures, Rack Toys, Puffy Stickers, Universal Monsters, Tomland, Star Raiders, Lincoln International, Lincoln Monsters, Mego, Bootleg toys, knock-offs, art toys, star wars holiday special, V, Toy Talk Show, Plaid Stallions, clash of the titans, Fisher Price Adventure People, V, megolike, knock offs,

Mego KO HQ: Cast-A-Way Toys Phantom and Captain Action

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From Mego Knock Off HQ
If you have some of the stuff I don’t email me and I’ll add it to this page.


Achmed was the Phantom’s nemesis (he doesn’t exactly have a Batman’s rogue gallery does he?)

More after the jump!

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