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The PlaidStallions Polyester Pals have arrived and come in green and orange. Be the first kid in the sandbox with our Podcast mascots!


Bring on the Bad Guys!
Mint off Card gives you a sneak preview of figures hitting stores this Spring, the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes’ next wave full of Super Foes. We look at Penguin, Reverse Flash and Joker. We take them out of the boxes and show you how they stack up against the originals.
Mego Meet Information Here:
#mego #worldsgreatestsuperheroes #megocorp
This week we take a look at one of the most requested figures in the Super Friends line, Giganta, evil size-changing foe of Apache Chief and member of the Legion of Doom! Figures Toy Company did some unique things with this figure that deserve a little attention.
Buy Giganta here:
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After a long break, I have another wonderful mystery box of Knock-Offs from the United Kingdom, this week we’re going to meet The Space Apes, a series of action figures that seem to resemble the Mego Planet of the Apes figures but with some noticeable differences.
We’re publishing a Toy-Ventures Magazine this Summer, here’s a link on how to be kept in the loop:
Like Mego Knock-Offs? Join our Facebook group dedicated today, it’s an intimate group that focuses just on vintage toys: