Shows that should have Mego lines: STAR WARS

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I don’t begrudge anyone the likely orgasmic joy that is felt from the new Star Wars trailer that just dropped, nor do I feel deprived of a happy childhood playing with my 3 3/4″ Kenner action figures, they were pretty swell indeed.

It’s just that, as a Mego head, I’ve seen EVERYSINGLEFREAKINGFORMAT of SW figures (many of them poor quality) come and go, save for 8 inch action figures? Not even a lousy attempt like Famous Covers.

Right now Entertainment Earth has 1,177 licensed Star Wars products, including 177 action figures by five different companies. Multiple formats, nothing ever close to Mego scale in almost 40 years.

WHY? You can’t tell me it’s format, if Lucasfilm approved this, high standards aren’t the problem. As evidenced by the page from 1978 (a magazine you should own)  they’d look pretty spiffy if done by the right company.

I find your lack of Mego faith disturbing.

Megocentral is under new management!

megoheadsAfter a multi year abscence, is now back under entirely new management.

This site will now  become a hub for news and information regarding Mego and Mego like action figures from the past, present and future of Mego toys.

As the new owners of this domain we would like to welcome you to new era, never has Mego collecting’s future been so bright and we look forward to building this site on a positive foundation.

We are not connected to any previous owner or webmaster of this site and have no way of contacting them.

Mego Lives!

MC Squad