Twisted Mego Theater
From Toyfare Issue 56: Shanks for the Memories.
Spidey takes a tour of Megoville jail after getting wrongfully accused by his own Aunt!
By Zach Oat, Rob Bricken, Doug Goldstein, Pat McCallum and Tom Root.
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Twisted Mego Theater
From Toyfare Issue 56: Shanks for the Memories.
Spidey takes a tour of Megoville jail after getting wrongfully accused by his own Aunt!
By Zach Oat, Rob Bricken, Doug Goldstein, Pat McCallum and Tom Root.
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Twisted Mego Theater- Mego Central
Another TMT classic (from issue 118) , Cap and Tony Stark at odds over booze? Now this is a Civil War that I can totally get behind (and yeah, I’m team Cap all the way).
Another TMT classic (from issue 124) and featuring the Mego Star Trek Crew. The entire story after the jump!
From Issue 37, November 2000 (still credited to the ToyFare Staff) we have “Luck be a Lady” is six pages of joy that deserves to not be forgotten.
More after the jump!
From Issue 75, November 2003 (still credited to the ToyFare Staff) we have “Crisis on Infinite Megoviles” a ten page romp that deserves to not be forgotten.
More after the jump!
From Issue 18, February1999 (still credited to the ToyFare Staff) we have “The Big Race” this series was never better when the lampooned both DC and Marvel.
More after the jump!
From Issue 25, September 1999 (still credited to the ToyFare Staff) we have “Megoville Squares” when they could still riff on the DC characters a little. I guess this mail away Lady Death offer has probably expired?
More after the jump!
From issue #5 (January 1998) “Scream” is written by Toyfare staff (no credits yet). I’m going to add one of these a week for the rest of the year, so be sure to book mark us. To see previous posts, click the “Twisted Mego Theatre” tag at the bottom of this post. More after the Jump….
From issue #92 “Dude where’s my Thor” written by McCallum, Aclin and Oat. More after the Jump….
From issue #30- I guess it’s too late for the exclusive “Seven of Nine” figure but we can still laugh at this, more after the jump:
From issue four, 1997. This upsets my stomach to think this magazine is nearly 20 years old now. I’ve wasted my life!
Anyway, more after the jump. This may be the first “Fecel Matter/Hulk” gag in the series, something would never get old it seems.
Man you can not reach farther back than this, from Issue #2 we have the Great Jawa Hunt written by the Toyfare Staff. More after the jump.
I really miss Toyfare magazine and thumb through old copies now and then. I don’t miss the “What’s Hot” mentality (BTW those Malebogias in your garage will never pay for your kid’s college) and the rock star adoration of certain toy sculptors got a bit gross at times but Twisted Mego Theatre was always worth the cost of an issue for me.
Sophmoric at times but also damned funny, I’m going to add as many as i can to ol’ Mego Central. Here from issue #56 is “Shanks for the Memories”.
If you’d like to join in with some scans, I’d be in your debt, I gave the majority of mine to Goodwill a while ago.