Breaking: MegoMuseum/Figures Toy Co Join Forces


This week’s Mego Museum Newsletter reveals that they have worked out a deal to be the exclusive home for updates and reveals from Figures Toy Company.

Which makes a lot of sense, considering the Museum is pretty much dedicated to this kind of thing and it won’t get lost in a sea of updates from general action figure sites.

Every Friday will see a new reveal via the Museum front page or the newsletter, 2015 sounds expensive. Goodbye Money!

The Kubby Awards are in


The 2014 Mego Museum Kubby Awards for excellence in ReMego are up for viewing right now.  It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that Figures Toy Co and NECA pretty much stole the show this year but I do think some nice stuff got ignored.

I guess when you have a property as beloved as 1966 Batman and then you actually do a nice job of the figures, you really have lightning in a bottle. Congrats to the winners!