Vintage Mego: Treasures at Parkdale Novelty!

On this very special episode of Vintage Mego, we visit legendary Canadian toy company Parkdale Novelty, AKA “Mego Canada, ” the first of Mego’s international distributors. We talk to Rob and Donna, the third-generation owners, who share stories and generously let me dig through their toy archives. #mego #megomuseum

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The Lincoln Monsters are here!
The Blood-A-Rama Shock Festival Pack

Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we're an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out the latest issue:

Toy-Ventures Issue 12- Stretch Monster

Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

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The Super Collector Newsletter combines all the news from Mego Museum and Plaid Stallions and a lot of other fun stuff across the Interwebs. It’s got customs, new action figures, vintage finds and a lot of pop culture. Sign Up Here!

We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book

Knock-Offs Totally Unauthorized Action figures is from the demented mind that brought you “Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings” and features hundreds of hilarious, charming, copyright infringing toys. Get a signed copy in our shop! 5 Awesome

Facebook Groups we enjoy

The official FB group for PlaidStallions, come for the conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass


Mego Micronauts + Superheroes = MAGNA HEROES: Vintage Mego

Vintage Mego returns with a look at the Magna Heroes, a marriage of the Micronauts and the Superheroes. It’s the one Mego Superhero line most of us never got but probably should have.

Iron Man was played by Jason Lenzi.

Special thanks to Eddy Berst and Will McGowan (@toltoys_kid) for sharing their discoveries.


#Mego #megoMuseum #micronauts


5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out the latest issue:

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The Super Collector Newsletter covers Mego and so much more PlaidStallions

The Super Collector Newsletter combines all the news from Mego Museum and Plaid Stallions and a lot of other fun stuff across the Interwebs. It’s got customs, new action figures, vintage finds and a lot of pop culture. Sign Up Here!

Toy-Ventures Magazine Issue 11 is here!

Toy-Ventures Magazine deals with Kenner, Mego and More

Do you miss print toy magazines? I sure did; that’s why I created Toy Ventures. A full-colour print magazine that celebrates toys from the 1960s to the 1980s. It features collector guides, interviews and even some satire. We’re on issue 10 now but still have a limited supply of our back issues; please visit our Shop for more information.


Get the Official Tura Satana Action Figure

Official Megolike Tura Satana Action Figure by Odeon Toys

We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.


Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book Megolike

Knock-Offs Totally Unauthorized Action figures is from the demented mind that brought you “Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings” and features hundreds of hilarious, charming, copyright infringing toys. Get a signed copy in our shop!

Facebook Groups we enjoy

The official FB group for PlaidStallions, Megolike come for the conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass.

The official FB group for PlaidStallions, come for the conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass.

Megolike Knock Off Head Quarters is better than Lou

Mego Knock Off Headquarters is a group created to discuss bootleg toys and customs. Totally chill vibe for fans of Tomland, Lincoln International, Mego and AHI. It’s a super fun group, join Mego-KO-HQ!

Check out the PlaidStallions store for Toy-Ventures magazine, Tura Satana and much more:

Join the fun at Mego Knock Off Headquarters, 1800 members and climbing:

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Topics Discussed: MegoMuseum, Vintage Mego, GIG, Takara, Jaeg, Jeeg, Microman, Marty Abrams, Iron Man, Worlds Greatest Superheroes, Mego Magna Heroes, Marx Toys, Toltoys, Marty Abrams, Neal Kublan, Tonka, Micronauts, diecast superheroes, elastic heroes, spiderman, batman, hulk, superman, neal adams, baron karza, brian heiler, plaidstallions, toyventures,

PlaidStallions : 1975 Lili Ledy Catalog – Mego Superheroes

1975 Lili Ledy Toy Catalog  from Mexico

Lili Ledy was a Mexico-based toy maker with a 30-year run until its closure in 1985.

Due to trade restrictions, the company would manufacture it’s toys on Mexican soil. Even popular Hong Kong-made American toys like GI Joe, Star Wars and Mego Superheroes had to have their Mexican-made equivalent.

This restriction resulted in some fantastic and imaginative-looking variations on what we’re familiar with.

1975 was an excellent year for Lili Ledy with several hot toys and licenses:

More Here:

Canadian Mego Wonder Woman Outfits sell for 4k

Mego Parkdale Novelty Wonder Woman outfits

In shocking news to non Wonder Woman collectors, these Canadian exclusive, rare as hell Wonder Woman fashions went for a whopping four thousand dollars on Ebay.

Why you ask? Mainly it’s due to the fact that one of the suits (the one on the left) hasn’t been seen before but the other answer really is, there are a ton of passionate Wonder Woman fans out that.

I get passion, I certainly can’t judge.

Foreign: Popy TV Heroes

(Photo courtesy of PlaidStallions)

These TV Heroes were Japan’s answer to the Mego Craze in the 1970s, covering Japan’s most popular and current TV heroes of the day. From Left to Right, Kamen Rider V3, Gatchaman Ken Owashi, Kamen Rider Ichigo, Battle Keyna, Battle France, Battle Cossack, Battle Japan, Ultra Seven, Ultaman Jonias, Ultra man.

Facts:The rarest figures in the series seem to be Keyna, France and Cossack. Battle Japan is the “Mr Myxlptlk” of the group and can be found for under $100 if you’re patient.

Ultra Seven and Ultraman are very prone to suit damage, their outfits are made of a delicate material and glued together, they were not built to last. Jonias has spandex type outfit and is easily found for a reasonable price.

Popy crafted their own body (which is slimmer than the standard Mego body) and can be seen below:



Top sites for the Popy TV Heroes: Mego Like and ForeignMego 

Mego: The Love Boat Playset


Yup, it got made.

MegoMuseum posted this today on their twitter and well, it’s the same sort of Styrene masterpiece that the Enterprise Bridge was. It was released by Grand Toys in Canada mainly because they paid up front for their stuff, here is a boxed version (also from the MegoMuseum)


There are actually two Love Boat playsets and they look so alike that they cause confusion, this I believe is made by multiple toys and features smaller scale figures of the crew and passengers. From what I gather it’s hella rare too.

$_57 (2)


So the big question is, where the f*** are my Fantasy Island toys?


Foreign: Popy Ken Owashi (AKA Mark from Battle of the Planets)


Popy copied Mego figures so well I find they improved upon the formula, they made a handful of characters sadly this guy is the only member of G-Force that was produced in this format.


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